The scientific and technological achievements of the project "Research on Digital Complete Equipment and Key Technologies for Manufacturing Stator Windings of High Power Density Drive Motor for Vehicles" have passed the appraisal

The scientific and technological achievements of the project "Research on Digital Complete Equipment and Key Technologies for Manufacturing Stator Windings of High Power Density Drive Motor for Vehicles" have passed the appraisal

The scientific and technological achievements of the project "Research on Digital Complete Equipment and Key Technologies for Manufacturing Stator Windings of High Power Density Drive Motor for Vehicles" have passed the appraisal

The scientific and technological achievements of the project "Research on Digital Complete Equipment and Key Technologies for Manufacturing Stator Windings of High Power Density Drive Motor for Vehicles" have passed the appraisal
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Fax: 086-535-8561229
Website: www.zhongji.cc

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